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10 New California Laws Going Into Effect This Year: Part Two


Gavel on CA badgeIn a recent post, we discussed five of the new California laws going into effect in 2017. While part one focused on safety issues, the state is also beginning to enforce new laws relating to employment law, criminal proceedings school mascots and gun control.

California’s lawmakers have taken on many hot-button issues in the past legislative year. Read on to learn more about some of the new laws:

  • Minimum wage – For California businesses with 26 or more employees, the mandatory minimum wage is increasing from $10 per hour to $10.50 an hour. It will continue to increase until it reaches $15 in 2022, according to KCRA.
  • School mascots – California public schools are no longer allowed to use the name “Redskins” for sports teams or mascots.
  • New alcohol regulations – Beauty salons and barbershops in California may now serve free wine or beer to customers until 10:00 p.m. However, powdered alcohol (which may include liquor, wine or beer) is now illegal to make, use, possess or sell.
  • Sexual assault charges – After Stanford rapist, Brock Turner was released after serving only six months in prison for assaulting an unconscious woman, California lawmakers changed the law. Now, sexually assaulting an unconscious or heavily intoxicated person will be a crime ineligible for probation.
  • Gender-neutral bathrooms – Addressing a topic that has been stirring up controversy all over the country, the state legislature clarified requirements for certain public restrooms. Beginning this year, all single-use toilet facilities in businesses and other public places must be gender-neutral.