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Chaos in San Jose Walmart After DUI Car Accident


A San Jose man faces murder charges after an outrageous Walmart crash. San Jose police recently released footage of a man driving into a San Jose Walmart earlier this year. Authorities say that 33-year-old Haamid Zaid crashed into the Walmart and began assaulting customers with a blunt object.

“The hope was that by releasing the video they could remind people about the incident and maybe have some people hopefully come forward and assist in the investigation,” San Jose Police Officer Albert Morales told the Daily News.

According to the Mercury News, Zaid was charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and felony vandalism in connection with the crash. Shoppers were eventually able to subdue Zaid and hold him until the police showed up. Authorities say that the man was on drugs at the time of the crash.

At the time the man was out on bail for another driving-related incident. Authorities say that he hit a car and crashed into a car wash. The car wash owner expressed some surprise that Zaid was released.

“I had assumed that this fellow was still in jail after this incident,” car wash owner Chuck Brassfield told ABC News. “It’s apparent that he wasn’t, and I’m not so sure that he’ll be in jail much longer either.”

Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP handles personal injury cases across Southern California. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident or other incident, call us at (866) 634-4525 or contact us online.